Jesper and Wylan (Six of Crows) Chapter 7 and 8

Hi friends! Get ready for a new analysis! If you’ve taken a peak at either my Andrew/Neil analysis or my Ronan/Adam analysis, this is basically following the same path. But with new characters from a different series!

Jesper Fahey and Wylan Van Eck are two characters taken from the Grishaverse series by Leigh Bardugo. The first book they appear in is Six of Crows, and their story continues with Crooked Kingdom. I will be doing an analysis of both books. As there are a lot of different chapters that focus on other characters, they aren’t going to share scenes together or interact in every chapter, so I will be jumping around. But just like with the other two analyses, I am going to add in EVERY interaction between the two characters.

So settle in, grab a snack, and let’s focus on two characters who couldn’t be any more different, come together and form a grudging bond that turns into…maybe more? Here’s my Six of Crows analysis, starting with chapter 7.

The boy looked up, ruddy gold hair flopping in his eyes, and spoke for the first time. “He’s not better. He’s reckless.”

“He knows his trade.”

“So do I.”

“Barely,” Jesper said. (p. 126)

Lol I just love that Jesper is so skeptical of Wylan coming on to the scene. It’s just gonna make it that much better when they eventually fall in love.

Chapter 8:

Jesper stared at Wylan. “Of course you’re a Councilman’s kid.” He burst out laughing. “That explains everything.”

He knew he should be angry at Kaz for holding back yet another vital piece of information, but right now, he was just enjoying watching the little revelation of Wylan Van Eck’s identity go careening around the room like an ornery colt kicking up dust.

…At least this explained why Kaz had been coddling Wylan and sending jobs his way.

“It doesn’t matter,” said Jesper. “We should still take Raske and leave this baby merch on lockdown in Ketterdam.”

“I don’t trust Raske.”

“And you trust Wylan Van Eck?” Jesper said incredulously.

…Jesper snorted. “Kaz is your luck, merchling. He’s had you under Dregs protection—though you’re so useless, up until this minute none of us could figure out why.”

… “Why did you move out of your father’s house?” Jesper asked.

“It was time,” Wylan said tightly.

“Idealist? Romantic? Revolutionary?” (p. 127-128)

Jesper is seriously not having it with Wylan and I love that he’s just incessantly insulting him, because it’ll make it so great later on when eventually Jesper comes to change his opinion about Wylan. But also note how curious Jesper is—he wants to know WHY Wylan isn’t at his father’s house anymore, what made them have a falling out, and why someone like Wylan would be “slumming it” with them instead of staying where he was at.

Wylan blushed deeper, and Jesper shook his head. “Play piano, too?”

“Flute,” said Wylan defensively.

“Perfect.” (p. 129)

…Wylan reached into the satchel at his feet and pulled out a slender roll of butcher’s paper followed by a metal case that held an expensive-looking pen and ink set.

“How nice,” Jesper noted. “A nib for every occasion.” (p. 129)

Jesper kind of sounds jealous of Wylan’s upbringing, but he’s gonna learn real quick Wylan’s life isn’t something to be jealous of, and his upbringing doesn’t exclude him from being useful to the Crows. Jesper being an asshole about Wylan’s privilege is funny, just to see how it starts out as kind of an enemies to lovers situation. Don’t you love it when two people dislike each other and then they learn more about each other and realise they aren’t so different and they fall in love? Sighs. That’s Jesper and Wylan to a T.

Wylan began to sketch. Jesper peered over Wylan’s shoulder. “That doesn’t look like a tree, it looks like a cake.”

“Well, it is sort of like a cake,” Wylan said defensively. “The whole thing is built on a rise.” (p. 130)

Notice it’s really only Jesper who continues to insult Wylan. And that he even chooses to defend himself. He always chooses to defend himself to Jesper.

“Who’s Mark?” asked Wylan.

Jesper burst out laughing. “Oh, Saints, you are something. The mark, the pigeon, the cosy, the fool you’re looking to fleece.”

Wylan drew himself up. “I may not have your…education, but I’m sure I know plenty of words that you don’t.”

“Also the proper way to fold a napkin and dance a minuet. Oh, and you can play the flute. Marketable skills, merchling. Marketable skills.”

“No one dances the minuet any more,” grumbled Wylan. (p. 134)

I mean, I don’t really know what more I can say about these early exchanges. It really is just Jesper ribbing on Wylan and Wylan being defensive back.

“Will we enter disguised as guards?” Wylan asked.

Jesper couldn’t keep the disdain from his voice. “only Nina and Matthias speak Fjerdan.”

“I speak Fjerdan,” Wylan protested.

“Schoolroom Fjerdan, right? I bet you speak Fjerdan about as well as I speak moose.”

“Moose is probably your native tongue,” mumbled Wylan. (p. 135)

More arguing, more being adorable little shits. The payoff is gonna be great, don’t worry. They’re not ALWAYS going to hate each other, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing an analysis.

1 thought on “Jesper and Wylan (Six of Crows) Chapter 7 and 8”

  1. Ah, yes, we love it when future boyfriends spend all their early scenes insulting each other. It’s Andrew and Neil but with less murder and sexual tension (or maybe it’s more murder, who knows?) But Jesper’s jadedness and Wylan’s innocence is wonderful together and I love it. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this post!


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